
koa locales, i18n solution for koa:
- All locales resources location on
. - resources file supports:
, *.json
and *.properties
, see examples. - One api:
__(key[, value, ...])
. - Auto detect request locale from
, cookie
and header: Accept-Language
$ npm install koa-locales --save
Quick start
const koa = require('koa');
const locales = require('koa-locales');
const app = koa();
const options = {
dirs: [__dirname + '/locales', __dirname + '/foo/locales'],
locales(app, options);
API Reference
locales(app, options)
Patch locales functions to koa app.
- {Application} app: koa app instance.
- {Object} options: optional params.
- {String} functionName: locale function name patch on koa context. Optional, default is
. - {String} dirs: locales resources store directories. Optional, default is
. - {String} defaultLocale: default locale. Optional, default is
. - {String} queryField: locale field name on query. Optional, default is
. - {String} cookieField: locale field name on cookie. Optional, default is
. - {String} cookieDomain: domain on cookie. Optional, default is
. - {Object} localeAlias: locale value map. Optional, default is
. - {String|Number} cookieMaxAge: set locale cookie value max age. Optional, default is
, expired after one year.
app: app,
dirs: [__dirname + '/app/locales'],
defaultLocale: 'zh-CN',
The key options.localeAlias
allows to not repeat dictionary files, as you can configure to use the same file for es_ES for es, or en_UK for en.
localeAlias: {
es: es_ES,
en: en_UK,
context.__(key[, value1[, value2, ...]])
Get current request locale text.
async function home(ctx) {
ctx.body = {
message: ctx.__('Hello, %s', 'fengmk2'),
__('Hello, %s. %s', 'fengmk2', 'koa rock!')
'Hello fengmk2. koa rock!'
__('{0} {0} {1} {1} {1}', ['foo', 'bar'])
'foo foo bar bar bar'
__('{a} {a} {b} {b} {b}', {a: 'foo', b: 'bar'})
'foo foo bar bar bar'
Get locale from query / cookie and header.
Set locale and cookie.
Where does locale come from, could be query
, cookie
, header
and default
app.__(locale, key[, value1[, value2, ...]])
Get the given locale text on application level.
console.log(app.__('zh', 'Hello'));
Usage on template
this.state.__ = this.__.bind(this);
Nunjucks example:
{{ __('Hello, %s', user.name) }}
Pug example:
p= __('Hello, %s', user.name)
Koa-pug integration:
You can set the property locals on the KoaPug instance, where the default locals are stored.
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
koaPug.locals.__ = ctx.__.bind(ctx);
await next();
If you are interested on knowing what locale was chosen and why you can enable the debug messages from debug.
There is two level of verbosity:
$ DEBUG=koa-locales node .
With this line it only will show one line per request, with the chosen language and the origin where the locale come from (queryString, header or cookie).
$ DEBUG=koa-locales:silly node .
Use this level if something doesn't work as you expect. This is going to debug everything, including each translated line of text.